Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Just Listening

I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again, I seem to be regarded as a bit of a therapist and sometimes mentor by some of my friends. Today’s world isn’t easy. With all of the technology and the constant need to produce—even very young school children have homework, some of it intense—people, at least those in my age group, seem to have a much greater need to talk…about themselves, their lives, what’s wrong with the world.

 I’m not sure when I turned into the therapist of choice. I think it’s because I am a pretty good listener, and usually don’t offer an opinion unless I’m asked. But be prepared for my answer when you ask me for comment. I’ve been known to let someone have it.

A friend of mine is what I would call a serial dater. She’s on several online dating sites and goes out frequently. But I’ve been noticing that by the third date she usually finds something wrong with the guy. On the whole, I think she has a tendency to pick the wrong guys. But, she also nitpicks. The guy who spent several years in jail and had a lot of tattoos? He finished the jail term years ago and now runs a very successful--and legal—business. Whatever happened way back when is not important. The abundance of tattoos? Okay, I’m a little weirded out by those too, but he wore long sleeves on your dates, so I think he knows that people are bothered by them.

Don’t like your job and have interviewed for another one that’s easier to get to—a bonus in this job market? Be careful. The friend who asked you in to interview on a pro forma basis has then turned on you before. Personally, I don’t trust her to follow through on it--and I’ve said so. Heard this story before, with a lot of the same players. As it is said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different response. Same goes for the serial job searcher. Very picky in what they want to do. Unfortunately the job specs for what you’ve done for years have changed, and recruiters don’t look past the education line. I don’t know what you should be doing, but maybe it’s time to either rework the resume or look for another route around it. I can’t change the specs.

The Other Side 

But there is another question in this. If I listen to all of you, repeatedly, wouldn’t it be nice if you offered to listen to me babble along on what’s bothering me? Guess not. I’ve tried to get someone to listen every so often, but apparently no one wants to hear anyone else’s problems unless they can respond by relating it to their own problems and successfully turning the conversation back to themselves. Really? Personally, I think that’s rather selfish. No one in the world has no problems. Next time, perhaps listen to others; you never know, you might learn something that you can use, without making the conversation all about you.

So, let’s talk about me…. Anyone out there? Hello?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Writer’s Block

Yes, once again it’s been awhile. And there are two reasons for that. First, I’ve had a lot of work of the paying kind. With deadlines. Good for my income but at the end of the day I had no strength, never mind thinking brain cells, to sit and write. Just couldn’t do it.

And second, I couldn’t write. Yes, it’s been a major case of writer’s block. I probably started at least a dozen entries, all of which are gathering virtual dust in a virtual folder used to keep incomplete pieces. Not good.

For me, writing isn’t easy. Especially on topics I need to choose and comment on. Sounds like it should be easier than writing on something someone else has chosen, but it isn’t. If someone gives me a topic, I’ll knock a quick essay out that will at least be decent. 

But a blog is different. It’s much more on things that mean something to the writer, especially if it isn’t subject specific. While writing it I think not only about my feelings on the subject, but in some cases, just how much I want to share of myself. That’s the hard part. I have a list of subjects I eventually want to talk about and, as I said earlier, a lot of unfinished material where my thoughts either ended too soon or for some reason I couldn’t put together the words that explained my thoughts. Eventually it will happen though and I’ll go back and finish each topic. They are all important to me.

The Spirit Is Happening

I know others who blog like I do—not to a specific subject area. Some of them even have specific times of the day or week when they schedule themselves to write. But I’ve never been good at that kind of planning ahead; I write better most of the time when the force just hits me. Today I’m on a plane on the way to visit my granddaughter for her second birthday. My tablet is in my bag and I finally feel the moment. This is also the start of a week with a lot less income-producing work so my brain will be able to get into some less intimidating material (all of my work for income is in medical editing, which can be very stressful). After I finish here, I think I’ll also be able to start—or finish--another blog for later posting. I feel like the words will flow. I’ve written on planes before and for some reason it’s a good spot for me to get things together.

It’s time to get back into it.