Sunday, March 8, 2015

Bucket Lists Redux

Yes, I've talked about these before but now I'm actually getting into the idea of making a list because all of a sudden I’m finding myself really wanting to do things that no one would expect me to try.

I just scratched off another idea – ziplines. Now, you have to understand, when I first mentioned this to the husband he looked at me like he didn’t even know who was talking; or like I had grown an extra head; or perhaps I needed to be committed. It was something he wouldn’t ever touch, and probably would forget about anyway. Nevertheless, I felt it was my way of proving that the arthritis wouldn’t get me; and that there was life in the old (okay, maybe more middle aged) girl yet. I think we also have to just challenge ourselves regularly to keep the blood moving.

In December, we went to Costa Rica, where ziplining is a very popular tourist event, and was included in our tour package. Then again, there was also some horseback riding offered too. That will never be on my bucket list and I declined. Even if they could get me on the horse, I think they’d need Paul Bunyan to get me off. My joints would never forgive me.

However, I really was looking forward to going. And all of a sudden, the hubby was into it as well. Getting suited up wasn’t easy, but I managed. And trust me, ladies, those helmets, while good for safety, are a disaster for your hair. Fortunately, mine is short so it worked out. This set of ziplines requires you to wear very heavy gloves because that’s how you brake. Of course, you can’t brake too soon or you’ll be left dangling off the cliff. And you can’t brake too late or you could hit one of the guides as you arrive for a hard landing. Nevertheless, I loved it. What I hadn’t realized though is that ziplines don’t come as a single event—there were seven of them. By the fourth one, I was wearing out. But I refused to give up and managed to finish all of --them, even if I wasn’t standing up straight at the end. It was a wonderful experience, and proved that I can challenge myself to some of the big stuff and survive.

I should add that a few days later we were at another zipline opportunity but I passed. These were a lot longer and faster, and I just didn't have it in me to go again. Plus, I think my body was still recovering from the first round. I had fulfilled the list item; no need to push things.

What’s Next?

I have no idea. I only just started to think about what else we can do, but some ideas are now popping into my head:
– Swimming with dolphins in Florida. Several groups offer this and I’ll have to look into it. My family will tell you I’m not an animal person, but I’m thinking that with the right equipment like a full body suit and some gloves, this could be interesting.
– Snorkeling, almost anywhere. Again, I’m not great with underwater stuff but there are places where I hear that there is more beauty underwater than above ground, so that might work.
– Visiting Antarctica. After this winter in New Jersey, I really am not big on the cold but supposedly they provide the coats so who knows. That’s probably a lot further down on the list though.
– Flying in a small plane. Again, something that terrifies me but we have a friend who owns his own plane and has offered to take us to lunch at the shore. Could be interesting, although they’ll probably have to peel my fingers off the arms of the seat on arrival. I did the helicopter excursion several years ago in Hawaii and it was stunning, but I did essentially crawl out of the chopper at the end and swear never to do anything like that again, but you never know. As I keep saying, we need to challenge ourselves.
– Bungee jumping. All right, this is so far down the list it probably isn’t even near the list but everyone needs something like that. Almost anything else you can think of will come before it. To me, it’s a truly terrifying concept.

What’s on your list?