Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why Blog?

Why does anyone blog? They either have an expertise in an area that appeals to others—or offer free advice that readers appreciate and can apply to themselves. Or, they have life experiences that they feel will help their readers and are applicable to others. This blog probably falls somewhere in between, with more of an emphasis on the second type of blog.

Who am I? I am a mother of two grown children, the wife of a financial business executive, an editor with experience in general topics including medical/pharmacological areas (feel free to get in touch if you need editorial help; I have reasonable rates). I have some friends—not a lot—with whom I’m close; and a lot of acquaintances. I’m also a really good speller. I read a lot of my daughters’ papers throughout their college years, still sometimes review my husband’s memos for typos and general comprehension, and will even provide instant advice on grammar and wording when asked nicely.

This blog is here because my friends like to talk, and they tell me I’m a good listener. Some of my friends, and even acquaintances, sometimes think of me as their therapist.  I am a very good listener, who will offer an opinion if asked, but doesn’t get crazy if you don’t do what I say—but I will come back and say I told you so if you go off on a path that then causes you more problems because you ignored me. I also don’t always talk a lot, so I’m the speck on the wall who’s just taking it all in and thinking about how what I hear applies to other things in life.

Of course, that also means that I internalize a lot of other people’s stress, which isn’t good. I’m hoping that this blog, which will be a combination of my observations of what others do and my thinking about those actions, might help alleviate that stress. And it also might strike a chord out there with others who, like me, have reached a new point in their lives and need to figure out which road they want to go down next.

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